en ik... ik die geen legerfanaat ben ...heb toch heel wat bewondering voor haar doorzettingsvermogen...want als je voor iets gaat, dan lukt het gewoon...

en dat inspireerde me tot het zoeken van mooie pink/kaki/olive dingen... :-)
my daughter deside last summer to take her change to go to the marine... it was a big dicision... and so I saw mij pink-girl changing in a kaki-girl... and she exchanged all her pink stuff for kaki items...towels, socks, toilet case, even her mobile phone..... and in the weekends she comes home with story's about gun shoots, bivaks, riverwalks...and even already I'm no armyfreak, I have admiration for her perseverance... and I believe that if you realy want something and you go fir it, you'll succeed....
and that inspired me to choose pink/kaki/olive things....
so I hope you enjoy...